Newsletter Summer 2023

Meet the New Faces at DSL
Welcome Matt Johnson. Matt joined us in March as our new Quality Assurance Tester. He previously worked at Eastern Data Group so comes to us with a wealth of knowledge about the dairy industry.

Support Hours
Just a reminder that our official Support Hours, and the basis upon which we levy monthly/annual support fees are Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm and Saturday 9:00am to 3.00pm. This excludes Public Holidays.
Please try to ensure that all busy critical operations are completed within these hours.
While we appreciate that the nature of the work our clients undertake, can mean that the need for assistance arises outside these times. Our Team may occasionally check the online chat system for notified
issues out of these hours, but this is purely on an ad hoc and very much voluntary basis.

Benefits of moving to the cloud
All new clients, and more and more existing clients are using their Paragon software hosted in the cloud (Software as a Service or more commonly referred to as SaaS). But what has led to this shift away from
having the software installed on local PCs or local network systems?
There are a whole host of good business reasons.
- Reduced IT management costs – We look after the computer environment that runs our software.
You simply need devices which can connect to the internet. As a result, we can significantly reduce
or in some cases completely take away the headache of managing your core IT infrastructure and
associated costs - Flexibility of where you work and how you access your systems – Having your software installed in
our AWS cloud, means it is accessible 24/7 from any location with suitable internet access and a
portable device (Windows/Mac) - Business continuity – If you can’t get to the office, or your in-office IT is compromised (fire, theft,
flood, power outage etc) you can still access your system from any internet connected alternate
location. - Scalability – Traditional computing often means that your business growth requires expensive ‘step
changes’ in infrastructure, storage, processing capability etc. With a SaaS solution, you can increase
your IT capability as easily as turning a dial. You just pay for what computing capability you need,
when you need it. - Backup – we automatically take a daily backup of your data providing peace of mind that in the
event of an issue arising which needs data reinstating, we can go back 30 days. - Access to new features – Some of the exciting new features being released are only able to work in
the cloud. These include being able to pre-authorise credit cards facilitating weekly payment
collection and instant sign up for new clients.
Speak to us about how we can help you make that journey to the cloud.

What’s New!
- Periodic Invoicing – We recognised some of the constraints with certain types of invoices within the system, Periodic Invoice will resolve those issues. Setting a customer’s invoicing schedule to a certain period will produce just one invoice for that period. The invoices are automatically emailed to the customers as a background service.
- New EDI’s – EDI Invoices and Orders are now set up with Enterprise Foods. EDI Orders import file for Office Groceries is also now available.
- Enhancements to Driver Messages – Driver Acknowledgements are now time, date and location stamped.
- Payment Arrangements – This feature works in conjunction with YourMOO. Historically a global flag could be set so it was mandatory for customers to sign up to Direct Debit or Pre- Authorise a credit or debit card, this wasn’t very flexible. The Payment Arrangement can now be set at the customer level giving you a lot more flexibility and potentially more up take on registrations.
- Collection – Money is collected in person from the customer.
- Manual – Customer initiates the payment e.g., via BACS or card via the Payment tab.
- Direct Debit – Presents the customer with a DD Mandate form the first/next time the log in to YourMOO.
- Stored Card – Directs the customer to enter their card details on a secure page via Stripe who store the details for future automated payments.
Paragon Web Dashboard
- Product Management – Paragon Cloud and YourMOO now share the same database, this gives users the opportunity to manage most elements product that affect YourMOO directly from the Dashboard. Show in YourMOO, Name, Detailed Description, Lead Time, Delivery Days and Images can all be updated from within this page.
It also enables YourMOO to use much larger images, giving it a much more modern and professional look. The new limits are, 3mb file size, and we recommend the image to be square and 600×600, other sizes will be automatically cropped to fit that size.

- Reports – A couple of new reports are available from within the Dashboard, we are slowing moving reports from Paragon to this menu for quick and easy access. If you have any requests, please let us know.
YourMOO Food Service – If the customer type is Semi Retail the customer will be presented with new tabs when they log in. This makes it easier for the customer to quickly enter a single day’s order. The customer can view past deliveries and produce a PDF Delivery Note and they can also amend their Standing Order.

Paragon Android
- Delivery Confirmation – Drivers can individually tick each delivery once it has been made, this helps track any missed deliveries. When the End Session is run a pop up will appear to notify the driver of any deliveries that have not been ticked.

- Exceptions Report – From the Reports Menu the driver can now view an Exceptions Report, this lists all delivery exceptions, driver messages and holiday/NTFN.
- Cash Screen – After listening to feedback it has now been made easier to enter a cheque payment from the cash screen.

Customer Satisfaction
Increasing numbers of clients take the time when they receive their call closure email to let us know what they thought of the service from the team. To all those who take the time to respond, thank you so much. You told us that for over 93% of your tickets, you felt you received Great Service.

Great job by the support team!
Your feedback is invaluable in helping to shape our service and remember that every completed survey is entered into a quarterly draw for an Amazon voucher.

Coming Soon!
- Instant email customer documents.
- Delivery moves by subset.
- Variable credit limits.
- Day Debrief screen on Paragon Web with event mapping.
- GDNI reporting.
- Proof of Delivery.